Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Disciplinary Regulations P a g e | 57 b. If the written report is available prior to the leaving the ground, the reporting participant should provide it to the player and his captain, who may submit comment in the form. If the written report is not available prior to leaving the ground, the offending player shall be given a reasonable opportunity to make a response to the report. iii. The Chair or Deputy Chair of the NCDG may accept reports for Level 3 and 4 offences outside of the 72-hour window if they deem the circumstances as to why the report was not submitted in time to be exceptional. 7.5 Any allegation of a breach of the Code of Conduct by a participant made against another participant which does not arise from an incident during a match or on the field of play should be notified to the League Secretary promptly but no later than 7 days after the incident giving rise to the allegation. Subject to any direction from the Discipline Chair, a written report should be produced, which should allow the Discipline Chair to understand: i. the background to the alleged incident ii. why a breach of the Code of Conduct is alleged iii. the Level of breach alleged. Where possible, notifications and reports should be submitted to the League Secretary by a Club Secretary or League Representative. 7.6 The Discipline Chair shall have an overriding discretion to accept or decline reports submitted under Rule 7.4(ii). Except for exceptional circumstances, such reports shall not be accepted relating to any alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct which have been, or could have been, reported by an umpire pursuant to Rule 7.3(ii) (the Discipline Chair may contact an umpire for their observations/views on allegations/the content of any report) or where there has been undue delay in making a notification or report. 7.7 Any complaints submitted under Rule 7.4(ii) must be made in good faith. The submission of a report which is trivial, vexatious, made for tactical reasons or otherwise improper may itself be treated as a breach of the Code of Conduct under Rule 2.9. 8 Procedure 8.1 As soon as reasonably practicable (and no later than 24 hours) following receipt of a report an alleged breach, the Discipline Chair of the relevant League shall inform the secretary of the concerned club (or other participant as appropriate in the circumstances) and provide a written copy of the report.