Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Section E P a g e | 60 9.7 There is an expectation that the umpire or other person who submitted the complaint makes themselves available to be a witness at the hearing. 9.8 The Chair or Deputy Chair of the NCDG may require witnesses to appear at the hearing to validate or question the content of a report. 9.9 The accused player or club shall be entitled: i. To submit written statements ahead of the hearing ii. To attend the hearing iii. To state their case (in the case of a club, by its secretary or other official) iv. To be supported by a colleague and to call witnesses. v. To legal representation, the cost of which will be covered by the player or club. 9.10 If the player or club is to have representation present at the hearing then the details of that representation must be given to the Chair of the Discipline Panel not less than 48 hours before the date of the hearing. 9.11 A participant involved in disciplinary proceedings will be solely responsible for meeting costs or expenses as it or they may incur, including the cost of any legal or other representation. If they are found not guilty then expenses outside of legal representation shall be reimbursed upon the receipt of an invoice by the NCDG. 9.12 The standard of proof shall be on the balance of probabilities. 9.13 Non-attendance at a Disciplinary Hearing by the participant or club, having been given reasonable notice in accordance with Rule 9.1 will not postpone or cancel the hearing. The hearing will be conducted in the absence of the player or club. Non-attendance at the hearing, without good and valid reason, by the participant or club will automatically result in forfeit of their right to an Appeal Hearing and the panel’s decision will be final and binding. 9.14 A written statement will be provided within a reasonable period to all parties explaining the decision taken by the panel and outlining the rights of appeal. 10 Penalties 10.1 If at a Disciplinary Hearing a breach of the Code of Conduct is proved, the Disciplinary Panel shall have the power to impose one or more of the following penalties, together with such order as to costs as it deems appropriate: In the case of a player: i. To require the player to submit appropriate letter(s) of apology within a specified time ii. To record a reprimand and to give a warning as to future conduct