Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Disciplinary Regulations P a g e | 61 iii. To impose a fine, not to exceed £100.00. A player can choose to waive their fine and accept an additional week’s suspension to the initial penalty. iv. To ban the player for a stated period v. To deduct League points from the player’s team vi. To expel the player from our Leagues In the case of a club: i. To require the club to submit appropriate letter(s) of apology within a specified time ii. To record a reprimand and to give a warning as to future conduct iii. To impose a fine, not to exceed £250.00 iv. To deduct League points from the club’s team v. To expel the club from any competitions of our Leagues vi. To relegate to any lower division of our Leagues In the case of any other participant: i. To require the participant to submit appropriate letter(s) of apology within a specified time ii. To record a reprimand and to give a warning as to future conduct iii. To impose a fine, not to exceed £100.00 iv. To ban the participant for a stated period v. To deduct League points from the participants team vi. To expel the participant from our Leagues 10.2 Panels may take the following factors into account when determining the penalties to be imposed: i. If the accused participant has pleaded guilty ii. The participant’s previous disciplinary record iii. The position of the participant (for example, if a player is a captain or professional) iv. The conduct of the participant after them/it being warned and told that they will be reported v. In any case involving a player, the regularity with which the player plays cricket and at what level(s) of cricket they play (for example, a fixed period ban of two weeks is likely to have a more serious impact upon an ECB registered cricketer who plays regularly when compared to a purely recreational player who plays infrequently)