Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Rules & Playing Conditions – League Competition P a g e | 79 All Divisions 15.8 In an interrupted match where one innings is reduced to 20 overs or less, Rule 15.6 (Championship), or Rule 15.7 (Division 1 and below), will not apply. 15.9 In the event of no League Umpires, Rule 15.6 (Championship), or Rule 15.7 (Division 1 and below), will not apply. 16 Overs per Bowler 16.1 No bowler shall bowl more than 20% of the scheduled number of overs for the innings. In the Championship, each bowler can bowl a maximum of 10 overs. In Division 1 and below, each bowler can bowl a maximum of 8 overs. 16.2 In an interrupted match, no bowler shall bowl more than 20% of the re- scheduled total number of overs for the innings, unless this has already been exceeded before the interruption. For the avoidance of doubt, the number of overs a bowler has remaining is the re-scheduled maximum number of overs minus any overs the bowler has already completed. Therefore, if a bowler has already, or now exceeded the re- scheduled maximum, they will no longer be permitted to bowl. If an interruption occurs mid-over and on resumption the bowler has exceeded the new maximum allocation, they will be allowed to finish the incomplete over. 17 Delayed Start (or pre-emptive decision to reduce the number of overs) 17.1 No delayed start match shall start later than 3 hours after the schedule start time. 17.2 The number of overs shall be arranged so that both teams have the opportunity of batting for the same number of overs. 17.3 No match in the Championship shall be reduced to less than 60 overs, scheduled at 30 overs per team. No match in Divisions 1 and below shall be reduced to less than 50 overs, scheduled at 25 overs per team. 17.4 The interval shall be reduced from the maximum of 30 minutes’ duration to maximise the playing time available. 17.5 The revised number of overs to be bowled, the time allowance, the maximum number of overs per bowler, and the number of PowerPlay overs (Championship only), is calculated from the revised start time and is shown in Appendix A, Table 1 for the Championship, and Appendix B, Table 1 for Division 1 and below.