Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Rules & Playing Conditions - t20 Cup Competitions P a g e | 91 10 Law 22 – Wide Ball – Judging a Wide Any ball, not being a No Ball, that passes the striker’s leg stump, irrespective of where that ball pitched, will be called, and signalled a wide. It will not be a wide if the ball contacts the striker, their person or equipment, or the bat in hand before it passes the line of the stumps, or the ball passes between the striker and the leg stump. In addition, any ball that passes outside the off-side wide-line, will be called, and signalled a wide. The off-side wide-line will be marked at 35 inches (89 cm) on each side of the imaginary centre line [17 inches (43.2 cm)] inside each Return crease. 11 Restrictions of the Placement of Fielders 11.1 At the instant of delivery, there may not be more than 5 fielders on the leg side. 11.2 A fielding circle shall be marked on the field of play by white plastic or rubber disks. The fielding circle shall consist of two semi-circles which shall have as their centre the middle stump at either end of the pitch. The ends of which shall be joined by a straight parallel line. The radius of each semi-circle shall be 30 yards (27.4 metres). 11.3 The first 6 overs of each innings will constitute a ‘Power Play’ whereby only two fielders are permitted to be outside the field restriction markings at the instant of delivery. 11.4 For the remainder of the innings only five fielders are permitted to be outside the field restriction markings at the instant of delivery. 11.5 In circumstances when the number of overs of the batting team is reduced, the number of ‘Power Play’ Overs shall be reduced and details found in Appendix A, Tables 1, 2 and 3. If the batting side has received more ‘Power Play’ overs than the maximum now allows, then the ‘Power Play’ is over. Rule 11.4 shall apply. 11.6 In the event of an infringement of the above fielding restrictions, the Umpire at the striker’s end shall call and signal ‘No Ball’ (Rule 9 shall apply). 12 Timed Out The incoming batter must be in position to take ground, or for their partner to be ready to receive the next ball, within 1 minute 30 seconds of the fall of the previous wicket. Any infringement of this rule shall result in the incoming batter being declared out by the Umpires.