Cheshire Cricket League Handbook 2021

Chairman's Foreword We welcome 2021 with the hope that the health of our nation takes a turn for the better. Cheshire Cricket pulled together in 2020 to give us the best form of meaningful Cricket possible. The dedication of all our club volunteers who worked tirelessly to maintain the grounds to match-play standards until we could press the button for games to go ahead and then sprang into action trying to make their clubs safe. Many of you agonised over the impossible position you were placed in trying to keep members safe. I commend you all for your commitment, effort and success. My thanks also go out to the Players and Umpires who travelled to matches under difficult circumstances to take part in our beloved game with great spirit. A final thank you must go to the members of the Exec for their efforts to put together a half season and ensure that cricket wasn’t lost in 2020. The hope of Cricket returning to pre pandemic normality is the desire of all who love the game but whatever form we are able to play I can ensure you it will be delivered in the best interests of all taking part. We have sadly lost some valuable members, administrators and officials from our Cricket Family and our heartfelt condolences go out to their Family and Friends. We owe them all a debt of gratitude for their contribution to Cheshire Cricket. May I offer my best wishes to all Players, Club Volunteers and League Officials for a successful 2021. Selwyn Stephenson March 2021 3