Cheshire Cricket League Handbook 2021

Club Duties Leagues Executive Committee Meetings Member-Clubs must put forward a League Representative for adoption at Annual General Meetings and it is suggested that Clubs also appoint a Deputy. League Representatives (or a Deputy) are required to attend all General Meetings and League Management Committee Meetings or Clubs will be fined. Captains and Umpires Meeting There will be no meeting this year Management Committee Meetings (All Clubs) Meetings will be advised later in the year. League Dinner Friday 15th October 2021, 7.00pm for 7.30pm Annual General Meeting (All Clubs) Thursday 6th January 2022 Play Cricket Input The home clubs must accurately enter theirs on the league’s play-cricket. com website: 1st XI data must be entered in summary (line scores and points) by 10pm on the day of the match either in League or Cup, and in full within 48 hours of the conclusion of the match. 2nd XI data must be entered in summary within 48 hours and in full within 96 hours, of the conclusion of the match. Fines will be levied for non-compliance. Registration Clubs are asked to read carefully the rules relating to Registration. Eligibility and Transfers, both in the case of Championship Matches and also Knock-out Competitions. Umpires and Scorers Each Club participating in Championship Matches should provide a Scorer and an Umpire when not provided by the Umpires Association. (vide Championship Rule 23 & 24). Umpires Appraisal All 1st XI captains must submit an Umpires Appraisal Form preferably on the day after the match, but by NO LATER than 12 noon on the Friday following the game - see details under Umpires Appraisal section. 6