Cheshire Cricket League Handbook 2022

Cheshire County Cricket League Ground Criteria 8. SCOREBOX The scorers should be totally under cover. The box should be purpose-built of an acceptable standard and maintained inside and outside in good condition. Ideally, the fascia board should be clearly visible from the pavilion and throughout the field of play. Adequate-sized numbering should be provided for the running total, wickets lost, individual batsmen’s scores, last batsman out, overs used and the total of the team batting first. Whether the home or away team is batting should be indicated. Paintwork of the numbers and scoreboard should be in good condition. Automatic numbering for the total and overs is expected. Electronic numbers should be adequate for the size of the ground and be clear for all spectators and players to see. Scorers are urged to indicate the number of overs of the team batting second in descending - not ascending- order to be of assistance to newly- arrived spectators. Scoreboxes in the Premier League should be properly equipped in accordance with electronic requirements. ALL clubs are urged towards having mains electricity laid on as Computer Scoring becomes the norm. 9. COVERS Mobile frame covers must be provided. The minimum total size should be 24 yards long by 10 feet wide. Covers should be used to protect the pitch and in the preparation of the pitch in the days preceding the game – especially on Friday and Saturday nights – as well as on match days. Clubs are encouraged to use sheets to protect the bowlers’ run ups. It is emphasised that these sheets should be used to complement the mobile covers, and not as a substitute for them. 10. MOPPING-UP & ROLLING EQUIPMENT Clubs must provide adequate mopping-up equipment for use during wet weather. The minimum equipment recommended is a Strike Rolo Mop. This work should be done under the supervision of the umpires. A choice of light or heavy roller should be made available for use prior to and during all matches. 11. BAD WEATHER PROVISIONS It is expected that the home team will ensure full access to all equipment needed to clean up in the event of adverse weather and to use it as soon as rain has ceased, or as directed by the umpires. Clubs are also expected to make all efforts possible to ensure that grounds are fit to play in the event of bad weather. This requirement should take precedence over other activities, such as warm-ups etc. 12. GROUND SURROUNDS Surrounding areas should be regularly cut and neatly maintained. All paintwork should be in good condition. Suitable measures should be taken to ensure that lost ball time is minimised. It is highly recommended that adequate seating is provided around the ground to encourage and accommodate spectators. 102