Cheshire Cricket League Handbook 2022

Cheshire County Cricket League Ground Criteria 13. DRESSING ROOMS (players) These should be of a reasonable size for both home and away teams and be clean and well decorated with adequate seating and hooks for clothes. The floor should be of suitable material for bare feet, non-slip and able to be disinfected. Ideally, dressing-rooms should have a window overlooking the field of play. 14. SHOWERS A minimum of four showers should be provided in a hygienic area with non- slip flooring. 15. TOILETS These should be adequate and hygienic. Separate WCs for men and women should be provided. A toilet for the disabled should be included in new buildings and in refurbishing plans. 16. DRESSING-ROOMS (umpires) Separate and secure changing rooms should be provided for umpires, of a similar standard to those for players and with easy access to the showers. They should also be of a reasonable size. Rooms must be lockable and if this is not possible, a secure locker should be provided. 17. VIEWING AREA An adequate, sheltered, seated viewing area should be available for the batting team. 18. HOSPITALITY Teas should be provided to a high standard. There should also be adequate bar facilities available for post-match hospitality. Clubs are urged to make food available for spectators if possible. 19. HEALTH & SAFETY All club grounds, clubhouses and other facilities should comply with current Health and Safety legislation which comprises the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order and the Food Hygiene (England) Regulations. 20. FIRST AID First aid equipment should be clearly displayed and available to all players and spectators. Clubs are encouraged to train a member in first aid and to make a qualified first-aider available on match days. 21. CLOCK All clubs must display a large, working clock, visible from the pavilion and all other parts of the ground. The clock should be kept accurate at all times. 103