Cheshire Cricket League Handbook 2022

Cheshire Cricket League Ground Criteria 10. UMPIRES ROOM Separate room of adequate size (minimum 6 x 8 foot). Clean, comfortable, secure and private. Where possible these should allow umpires easy access to toilet and shower facilities, preferably without having to encroach into the player’s changing areas. 11. SHOWERS Clean, hygienic and with suitable privacy. Minimum of 4 must be available. 12. TOILETS Clean, hygienic and with suitable privacy. Gents, Ladies and Disabled toilets to be available. 13. KITCHEN/TEA ROOM Clean, hygienic and meeting all Health and Safety requirements. 14. FIRST AID A well stocked box to be available. 15. OTHER Clock, visible from all parts of ground, bell to signal start of play and telephone on premises are all required. 16. ASPIRATIONS FOR THE STANDARD AND FACILITIES AVAILABLE AT SECOND GROUNDS, ONES THAT HOST ONLY 3RD/4TH/5TH XI MATCHES An adequate square and outfield Acceptable changing rooms Covers ( in some form or another) At least one sight screen at each end A scorebox / scoreboard of some sort A room in which to have tea Some sort of shelter against rain if the ground is some way from the main building 105