Cheshire Cricket League Handbook 2022
Cheshire Cricket League Umpires & Scorers Association Tom Miller 0151 339 0003 07985 973539 Chris Moore 01925 860697 07949 667164 Dave Morris 07749 917350 Chanra Peruvemba 07766 838825 Simon Pomfret 0161 973 1716 07764 616171 Neil Powell 0151 339 0893 07711 825028 Nicholas Remon 07432 794960 Bob Sabberton 01925 756736 07989 927744 Tony Sayle 01606 45503 07969 180115 Andrew Simpson 01606 554133 07434 601956 Ken Simpson 01939 233415 Ian Taylor 07968 324120 Ron Tweats 01260 280020 Paul Tyrell 07824 821388 Joel Unsworth 07464 595548 Luke Unsworth 07305 859215 Brian Wareing 01244 332326 07780 501859 Keith Wells 07734 940612 Herb Whitlock 01772 745085 07517 232847 Ian Wilkinson 0161 9625910 07773 179209 Ross Willard 07966 119340 Ashleigh Wood 01270 874265 07789 693741 Lyndon Woodcock 07961 010844 Mike Woollard 01829 770665 07968 382013 In the event of a match due to be covered by panel umpires being cancelled on Saturday morning, or before, it is the responsibility of the HOME CLUB CAPTAIN to telephone the appointed officials in order to prevent them travelling unnecessarily. The match expenses for 2022 have been fixed at £50.00 per umpire, when acting as a pair and £70.00 if standing alone and either fee should paid by both captains AT THE PRE MATCH MEETING . The 2022 match fee for the Twenty20 knock out matches are £30.00 per umpire or £40.00 if standing alone. These fees should also be paid by both captains AT THE PRE MATCH MEETING . The umpires reserve the right to delay the start of the match if they do not receive team sheets, match balls and expenses at the pre-match meeting. Any delay caused will count as time lost and may result in loss of overs. 116
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