Cheshire Cricket League Handbook 2022

Appraisal of Umpires for League Matches • Ensure covers were used, if required? • Involve his colleague when it was necessary to speak to either captain? • Interpret ground, weather and light issues effectively? • Have a confident and positive manner throughout the match? Control of the players – did the umpire? • Deal effectively with any potential conflict situation? • Use common sense when dealing with players? • Allow the match to be played but have an appropriate level of intervention? • Apply the Laws of the Game and Spirit of Cricket effectively? Decision Making – did the umpire? • So far as you are aware, apply the Laws of Cricket correctly when making decisions? • Consider appeals in a calm and confident manner? • Make decisions consistently throughout the match? • Consult his colleague where necessary? • Have a consistent interpretation of wide balls, leg byes and no balls? • Get into position, at either end, in order to make correct decisions for No balls, Run outs or Short runs? • If utilised, manage a runner for an injured batsman effectively 119