Cheshire Cricket League Handbook 2022

Chairman's Foreword The restrictions, brought about by Covid, over the past two seasons has left its mark on the landscape of Cricket and the way the game is played. Not all bad but so much of the social side of the game was just not possible. Firstly, I would like to thank all our Member Clubs for their commitment and understanding over the last two seasons and hope we can now look forward with renewed vigour to the 2022 Season and the prospect of a more normal season. This season sees further development in our playing format. The last two seasons have seen us change from Draw cricket to Win/Lose cricket, a debate that has been rumbling for decades. This season we have voted to overhaul the points system to better reflect Win/Lose cricket, another constant topic of discussion. I believe and hope the continued development will help to secure the future of cricket at our level. I have been around this sport of ours for many years and change has often proved difficult, as it does in many things, and there are always challenges but I also appreciate that many of the traditions of our game are very important. Our sport is a social sport where sportsmanship, friendly competition, sharing a sandwich and a drink after the game are corner stones that set cricket apart from many other sports. We often hear the phrase “The Spirit of Cricket”. These are traditions we must continue to teach, understand and embrace whilst ensuring that we continue to reflect and introduce change that makes the beauty of our sport appealing and accessible to future generations. To finish I wish you all the very best for the season, good competition, socialising and success and let us enjoy the 2022 season and celebrate both the traditions and the changes in this great sport of ours. Selwyn Stephenson March 2022 2