Cheshire Cricket League Handbook 2023

Chairman's Foreword The strength of the League is reflected by the continued support of our League Exec by its Member Clubs and as we continue to extend our communication and respect between the two. The AGM of 2022 resulted in the elevation of our Division 1 and Division A Clubs into the County League following an almost unanimous vote to do so by our Member Clubs. This move has enabled more compressed levels between the remaining clubs within the Cheshire Cricket League. The Cricket within our Win/Lose Format, with the new adjustment to the points structure will, we hope, improve the balance of our matches with more reward for strong bowling and those achieving competitive scores when chasing high scores. The commitment to help achieve mutual respect and discipline amongst opposing Players and towards Officials is a core aim or ours’ to ensure that the enjoyable and competitive nature of our game remains. I would like to Thank all of our Volunteer Officers both within our League Exec and Club Committees who all continue to strive for the success and continued merit around our Wonderful game. My best wishes go out to all Member Clubs for 2023. Selwyn Stephenson March 2023 2