Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 2021

11 31. Disciplinary Code Discipline Process: Alleged incident / offence occurs Umpire / Club reports incident to the League League Committee resolves internally or pass case on to Lincs Cricket Lincs Cricket select & convene County Disciplinary Panel Panel hearing takes place Panel make decision Panel deliver decision to League, Clubs, Players & Officials involved Right to Appeal / Appeals process initiated if necessary 31.1.1. For any player in the course or in connection with a match to misconduct himself or act at any time in a manner calculated to prejudice the good name or interests of the League, and 31.1.2. For any club to fail to properly to control or discipline its players to act in a manner calculated to prejudice the good name of the League, and the player and club committing an offence shall be liable to penalties in the manner and as described hereafter. 31.2. For the purpose of these rules the expression "the player" shall throughout these rules be deemed to mean and include not only any player, whether a professional or otherwise, but also any member or official of any club or if appropriate any person involved in any incident of possible misconduct occurring on the field of play, or on the premises of the club, as may he appropriate in the particular circumstances. 31.3. Before any penalty is imposed there shall be a disciplinary hearing before the Disciplinary Panel of the League. At least seven days notice shall be given to the player, or in the case of a club, its secretary, in writing. The club or player shall be entitled to attend the hearing (in case of a club by its secretary or other official), to legally or otherwise represent and to call witness.