Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

13 31.7. COUNTY DISCIPLINARY HEARINGS & APPEALS 31.7.1 In the case of alleged Level 3 or 4 breaches of the Code of Conduct, as well as participant or club appeals against Level 1 or 2 breaches being passed, the League’s Discipline Chairman will pass the case over to the Lincolnshire County Cricket Board so it can assemble a County Disciplinary Panel for a hearing to take place. 31.7.2 The County Disciplinary Panel is made up of 14 representatives in total – seven different League Disciplinary Representatives, four Association of Cricket Officials Representatives & three Lincolnshire Cricket Representatives. At all cases referred to the County Disciplinary Panel (as defined in 7.1), three members will be selected to sit - one from each of the three groups of representatives. The panel members for each case will be totally independent and will make their decision based on the evidence provided. 31.7.3 County Disciplinary Hearings will take place via a Zoom online call to minimise costs. In addition to the three members of the panel, an independent notetaker will also be present at the hearing. Their responsibility is to accurately minute the proceedings, which will be backed up by a recording of the call. The notetaker will not be part of the decision-making process. The Chairman from the league in which the alleged breach(es) of conduct occurred will also be given the opportunity to be present at the hearing if they so wish. They too will not be a part of the decision-making process. 31.7.4 Participants shall be given at least seven days’ notice in writing of the County Disciplinary Hearing, either directly or via the secretary of their club as appropriate. In any case which is referred to a County Disciplinary Hearing, the panel must be selected and convene within 14 days of the notice to refer. 31.7.5 Accused participants will be entitled to: • Submit written statements ahead of the hearing. • Attend the hearing. • State his/her case. • Be represented or supported by a colleague. • Call witnesses. All relevant evidence and notifications of representation or witnesses must be submitted to the County Disciplinary Panel at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. 31.7.6 Decisions by the panel will be communicated to all parties concerned, including the league in which the alleged breach(es) of conduct occurred, as soon as is reasonably possible following the hearing. 31.7.7 In all cases that are referred as part of the appeals process, a deposit of £50 should be paid by the participant or their club in advance of the appeal hearing. This deposit is refundable should the County Disciplinary Panel find that the original decision should be overturned. Should the original decision be upheld, the money paid by the participant or their club will go into a centralised pot for the costs of running and administering disciplinary processes.