Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

14 A notice of appeal setting out the grounds must be given in writing to the Discipline Chairman within seven days of the decision of the Disciplinary Panel being communicated to the participant in writing and must be done so only if in good faith & upon reasonable grounds. Should a participant wish to appeal in the case of an alleged Level 3 or 4 breach of conduct, the same timescales and processes apply, but must clearly be given in writing to Lincolnshire Cricket so a new County Disciplinary Panel can be selected and convened using three different and independent individuals from the overall panel. Non-attendance at an appeal hearing by a participant without good or valid reason will automatically result in the forfeiture of their right to appeal. Any decision made by an appeals panel will be final & binding. 31.8 DISCIPLINARY OFFENCE LEVELS AND ON PENALTIES LEVEL 1. a. Time wasting by either the fielding or batting side b. Abuse of the cricket ground, equipment or fixtures and fittings c. Showing dissent at an umpire’s decision by word or action d. Using language that is obscene, offensive or insulting and/or making an obscene gesture e. Excessive appealing LEVEL 2. a. Showing serious dissent at an umpire’s decision by word or action b. Inappropriate and deliberate physical contact between players in the course of play c. Charging or advancing toward an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing d. Deliberate and malicious distraction or obstruction on the field of play, regardless as to whether such conduct is deemed to be fair under Law 42.5 e. Throwing the ball at or near a player, umpire or official in an inappropriate and dangerous manner f. Using language or gesture that is obscene and of a serious or insulting nature to another umpire, team official or spectator g. Changing the condition of the ball, other than as permitted by Law 42.3 h. The bowling of fast short-pitched balls that result in the bowler being disallowed from bowling further in that innings i. Causing avoidable damage to the pitch contrary to Law 42.13 and/or Law 42.14 that results in a five run penalty being awarded LEVEL 3. a. Intimidating an umpire b. Threatening to assault another player, team official or spectator c. Using language or gestures that seriously offend, insult, humiliate, intimidate, threaten or vilify another person on the basis of that person’s religion, sexual orientation, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin. d. The deliberate bowling of any high-pitched ball contrary to Law 42.8 LEVEL 4. a. Threatening an umpire b. Physical assault of another player, umpire, official or spectator c. Any act of violence on the field of play d. Using language or gestures that seriously offend, insult, humiliate, intimidate, threaten, or vilify another person on the basis of that person’s religion, sexual orientation, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin. All captain’s should note their responsibilities as detailed in the Laws of Cricket and in the Spirit of Cricket