Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

19 Hints to Secretaries Make yourself fully aware of the rules of the league and observe them. Have a copy of the handbook with you at matches, and any meetings you may organise for your team. Be ensure that all your players are registered to your team on Play Cricket. Before signing a player be sure that they have fulfilled their financial obligations to their previous club. Reply to all correspondence at the earliest opportunity. The job has only to be done once. Notify any changes of secretary, address or contact details to the League Secretary immediately, and attend all meetings, or make sure your club is represented. Instruct your team captain to ensure that umpires are treated courteously and bring to the notice of your committee any conduct likely to bring your club, or the game, into disrepute. You must complete the result on the play cricket website not later than 24 hours following a match if you are the home side and verify it within 72 hours if you are the away side. Make sure the match result is filled out in full. All trophies should be returned to Gradley Sports , Corporation Road , Grimsby , and Season Averages submitted to the League Secretary / League Email before August 31st . Failure to return a trophy will result in a fine, as set out in Rule 32. Failure to submit your averages could lead to one of your players missing out on a trophy. Performances in the IBWEST Cup / Marshall Brewson Plate should not be included in divisional tallies.