Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1964

LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET LEAGUE 23rd November, 1962 1. Name. The League shall be known as "The Lincolnshire County Cricket League". 2. Officials. The Officers shall consist of a President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. These shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. 3. Committee. The Committee to transact the business of the League shall consist of the Officers of the League together with one representative from each Club con– stituting the League whose nomination shall be forwarded by each Club to the League Secretary prior to the Annual General Meeting for confirmation at that meeting. In the event ofthe nominated representative not being available a deputy may be appointed. Six representatives shall form a quorum. 4. Committee Meetings. The Committee shall meet at any time as the business of the League may require. Seven days notice of all meetings shall be sent by post to all Officers and Club Representatives. 5. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting shall be held before the 31st January each year. The business shall be to elect Officers, Auditors, to confirm the nomination of Committee Representatives by the Clubs, to receive a report and balance sheet, to consider any other proposals affecting the League of which due and proper notice has been given. 6. Membership. Clubs desiring admission to the League must apply to the Secretary before the 31st October. An Entrance Fee of One Guinea must be enclosed and applications will be considered at the Annual General Meeting. No Club shall be admitted to membership unless its ground, dressing accom– modation and appointments are of a satisfactory standard, and have been certified so by the Committee. Any Club in membership of the League whose ground, dressing accommodation and appointments are allowed to deteriorate shall be subject to an inspection by the Committee. The Committee shall be empowered to consider the matter and request the Club concerned to carry out such remedial measures as appear necessary. In the event of no satisfactory improvement being made the matter shall be reported to the Annual General Meeting. GARNETT & HALLMEY LTD ABBEY ROAD - GRIMSBY T ele,phone 5331 - 2 Wholesale Tobacconists & Confectioners SUPPLIERS TO: SOCIAL and SPORTING CLUBS and WORKS CANTEENS 31