Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1964

LINCS. COUNTY CRICKET LEAGUE-----<:ontinued 13. Cancellation of Matches. No match shall be cancelled through weather before 11 a.m. on the day of the match unless authority is obtained from the League Secretary. 14. Hours and Conditions of Play. Punctuality is absolutely essential. All matches shall commence at 2.30 p.m. Clubs wishing to start at 3 p.m. may do so by mutual consent, but must notify the Secretary of the Umpires Association not less than fourteen clear days before the match in question. Games shall be of 100, 90, 80 or 70 six ball overs duration to be declared by the Captains before the match. Should a start not be able to be made before 5 p.m. through the weather then sixty overs may be played. Failing agreement between the Captains the matter shall be decided by the Umpires. Should the team batting first be still at the crease when half the number of overs agreed upon is expired they shall declare their innings closed and their opponents shall then bat for an equal number of overs. In the event of the team batting first being all out or declaring before the expiration of their allotted overs, the batting time of their opponents shall be increased by the number of complete overs unused by the opposition. Should the team batting second be not all out when time is called the result shall be a draw. In case of rain, stumps shall not be drawn before 6 p.m. without the consent of both Captains. The tea interval shall be one of twenty minutes. The interval between the innings shall be of ten minutes duration as provided by M.C.C. Rules, but under no circumstances shall the thirty minutes be taken at any one time. Evening matches may be played but must commence no later than 6.15 p.m. Umpires must report to the Hon. Secretary any Oub not ready to commence at the appointed time. Offending Clubs are liable to a fine not exceeding 10/-. 15. Players Crossing. The outgoing batsman must meet the ingoing batsman outside the pavilion. Umpires must report any flagrant breach of this rule. 16. Match Balls. Each fielding side shall provide its own ball. It shall not be com– pulsory to provide a new ball, but the ball provided shall be leather covered and approved as fit by the Umpires and must be in their possession before the fielding side takes the field. P.S. V. Minicoaches for parties of up to 12 persons • TAXI Service All-night Service • Modern Vehicles • WILF ELLIS phone 2221 7 HOLYDYKE BARTON-ON-HUMBER COMPETITIVE QUOTATIONS 35