Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1964

\ 36 Grimsby Secretarial Bureau =======(Miss H. M. WOOLNOUGH)======= DIAL SQUARE HOUSE GRIMSBY Telephone: GRIMSBY 4 3 0 7 All Classes of Work Undertaken TYPEWRITING DUPLICATING PHOTO-COPYING YOUR PAP ER IS OUR &USINESS! Newsprint • Mechanical Printing • Lithe News Bronco & Dixcel Tissues • Corrugated Cases • Waxed Wrappings• Imitation Parchment• Dress PatternTissue Paper & Polythene Bags • 'Wetwrap' Wetstrength Paper Paper Towelling • 'Dixopak' Extra High Clarity Cast Polythene Film PETER DIXON & SON LIMITED ~ West Marsh Paper Mills · Grimsby PAPER PACKAGING PLASTIC Spring Grove Paper Mill · Oughtibridge Don't be Caught Out - consult L. & J. WINN for your requirements of I SPORTING BOOKS & PERIODICALS NEWSPAPERS, TOBACCOS, SWEETS, etc. 97 EDGE AVENUE SCARTHO Telephone GRIMSBY 1 1 s 2