Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1964

LINCS. COUNT CRICKET LEAGUE- continued 17. Match Results. The Secretary of the Home Club must advise the Sectetary of the League the result of each match (whether cancelled or not) on the official form provided not later than 48 hours following the match. A fine of 10/- will be imposed for non– compliance with this rule. 18. Umpires. Neutral Umpires shall officiate in all matches. Each Club are expected to nominate one or more umpires for approval by the League Committee. All names to be sent to the League Secretary no.later than the 31st January each year. Both Club Captains shall submit a report on Umpires on the space provided on the official form. 19. Payment of Umpires. The Umpires Fee shall be 15/- and must be paid during the tea interval, plus any expenses incurred. This to be shared by both Clubs equally. If a match has been cancelled but the Umpires have not been informed of such cancellation and they turn up to officiate at the match, the Umpires shall be paid 7/6 plus any expenses incurred. In the event of no play being possible through the weather and the Umpires turn up they shall also be paid 7/6. 20. Complaints. In the event of any complaint being made against a Club, the Hon. Secretary of the League should acquaint the offending Club of the exact nature of the complaint at least seven days before the League Meeting at which such complaint should come up for consideration. A Club shall not be called upon to answer any complaint at a League Meeting unless it has received seven days notice as above. The complaint must be made in writing and accompanied by a Fee of 10/6. The Fee will be forfeited if the Committee consider the complaint or appeal frivolous and refunded if considered reasonable. Should the complaint be proved, the offending Club shall be dealt with as the Committee may direct. 21. Financial Defaulters. No player who has not fulfilled his financial obligations to his Club in this League shall be allowed to play for another Club in the League. 22. Rules Governing Play. All games to be governed by the general rules ofthe M.C.C. except where certain rules are not adopted. 23. Altel'ation of Rules. Any suggested alteration to the rules should be sent to the Hon. Secretary of the League by the 31st October of each year and such suggested alteration to be circulated amongst the Clubs to allowat least fourteen days notice before the Annual General Meeting. 24. Arrears. A Club in arrears at the time of the Annual General Meeting of the League shall have no voice or vote on any matter. The League shall hold all members of such Club responsible for the debt and no me8 ber of the Club shall be allowvd to transfer to any other League Club until he can prove to the League Committee that he has paid his liabilities to the Club in arrears. 25. Extra Rules. The Committee shall have the power to deal with any matter which may arise affecting the League which is not provided for in these rules. NOTE: It is hoped to form an Umpire A ssociation to the Lincolnshire County Cricket League in the near future. A. DYAS (?ll(9,'9rs) LIMITED ROOTES MAIN DEALERS HUMBER HILLMAN SUNBEAM COMMER KARRIER for SALES and SERVICE Victoria Street, Grimsby. Tel : 57151 (3 lines) 37