Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1966
LINCOLNSHIRE LEAGUE UMP I RES ASSOCIATION Once again it gives me great pleasure to rr,ake a few comments about the work of the Lincol nshire League U mpires 1 Association, Lincoln and District League and the Lincoln Um pires Association. It is gratifying to hear from Leagu e members and teams of the improvement in the standard of umpiring. T his has resulted from training, coaching and a greater study of the laws of the game. The Lincoln Branch of Umpires have held m eetings and discussions once a month during the winter. This has been of great help to new umpires and has served as a useful refresher to the older members of the Association. In Lincoln the Umpires 1 Association have started a course on umpir– ing for c hildre n and youths from Grammar and Secondary Modern Schools in the area . This has met with reasonable sucr,ess; approximately ten lads have turned up every Saturday morning since January and will compl ete the cm1rse on the 2nd April, 1966, with a short written examination. It is hoped that Grimsby and Scunthorpe will try out the same sch eme next year. A Village Trophy Knock-Out cup, presented by the Umpires 1 Association for all villages in the ·irea met with a better response last season with a total of 18 teams ente ·ing, It is hoped still more will enter during the c_oming season, and t·1at teams from the Grimsby and Scunthorpe areas will find it possible to participate. Finally, may I take this opportu, ity of thanking all secretaries, the executives of all the Cricket Clubs and Cricket Associations a nd a ll playing members for their devoted efforts in furthe ring t h e interests of cricket as a whole, I wish you all a very enjoyable season in 1966. OFFICIALS G,A, COLE, (Cha irman). President Vice-President Vice-President Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Auditor General Committee Mr. E.R . Frisby. Mr. C. Stainsby. Mr. E. Lindley. Mr. G.A. Cole. Mr. E. E. Green. Mr. E. Barron. Mr. S• Croft. Mr. L. Dixon. The above Officers, pl us Grimsby Grimsb y Epworth Lincoln Scunthorpe Grimsby Lincol n Lincoln nn Mr. H.E. Pask (Grimsby) and Mr. B.H. Woodend (Scunthorpe). FEARNLEY PHOTOGRAPHY 21 Halnton Ave., 37 Wintringham Rd. - Tel: 55573 for . .. COMMERCIAL, WEDDING & CINE PHOTOGRAPHY ' )
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