Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1966
CLUBS, SECRETAR I ES AND GROUNDS - continued Crusaders C. C., Hewitt's Circus, Humberston. Tel: 62638. Dunlop Sports C. C., Public Grounds. East Ha lton C. C ., East Ha lton , Electricity Sports C. C., Public Grounds. Elsham C.C., Elsharn. Eskimo C. C., Hewitts Circus, Humberston. Te l: 62638. Fish ]'deal C. C. , Public Grounds. Fisons C.C. , lmmingham . Gri ir.sby Exchange C . C., Public Grounds. Grimsb.r Ramblers C.C., Public Grounds . Grimsby Referees C. C., Publi c Grounds. Grimsby Town C.C., Littlefield Lane, Grimsby. H.. .:,,·itts C. C., Public Grounds . H u1·11bcrs;.:on C. C., Public Cro,u,ds. Ii·,111 ii:g l:a1, , C.C., Pt,blic Grounds. La por;..? Titaniun; C. C., Publi.:: Grounds. 12 C. Kennedy, 26 Eastwood Avenue, Grimsby. Tel: 79575. Office 4601. D. Evans, 6 Dorothy Ave nue, Waltham. Tel: 58494. J.E. Hoare, 25 Royal Drive, Immingham. Tel: Works, Killingholme 291. Home, Killingholme 309. E. Buck, 11 Kingsley Grove, Grims!Jy. Tel: Sll4. G.H. Kitching, 27 Main Street, Worlaby, Brigg. Tel: Office, Brigg 2233 Ext. 19. J.E. Ball, Fropax Eskimo Frood Ltd., Pelham Road, Cleethorpes. Tel: 62931. J.B. Lindop, 4 7 Legsby Avenue , Grimsby. Te l: Office 5041. Home 56635. A. Parkinson, c/o Fison 1 s Fertilizer Ltd., Tel: Immingham 461 . B. Brocklesby, 16 Croxby Grove, off Cro,b, ·\venue , Grimsby. Tel: 5114. B. Warwick, Bk. 24 Highgate, Cl eethorpes. Tel: 57222. (Office .) W. Ormond, 18 Drake Avenue, Gr imsby. ';el: 63605. S. \\· a rson , ~B Ca rnavon Avenue , Grin;sby. -:-el: 5421. C.H. Branson, c/o Hewitt Bros. Ltd., Tower Brewery, Pasture 5:treet, Grimsby. T el: 5055. K. Dickson, JS Eastbourne \\'ay, Scarthoe. J. ,,·arren, 284 Pelham Road, lmrningham. l e l: Horn e Immingharr, 263, Office Grin,sby 2921. \\. . .'.\ . Cook, c/o Laporte Titanium Ltd., Battery \\'orks, Stallingborough, Grimsby. Tel: lmmingha m 58] Ex, 3-!l.
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