Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1966
CLUBS, SECRETARIES AND GROUNDS. continued Tetney C.C., Tetney. Mrs. W. M. Eggleston, 8 Chapel Garth, Tetney, Grimsby. Tel : c/0 Humberston 3154. Waltham C.C., Waltham. J.R. Adams, 3 Leas Close, Waltham, Grimsby. Tel: Waltham 3147. Western Youth Cent re C, C. , Western Secondary School, Cambridge Road, Grimsby. Tel: 78378. R.J. Williams, 45 Manor Drive, Waltham. Tel: Home, Waltham 3301. Y.M.C.A. C.C., P. Smith, 45 Cartledge Ave nue , Grimsby . Springfield Road, T el: 55883. Scarthoe, Grimsby. PAPER and PAPER BAGS a telephone call can also bring Krafts, Tissues, Sulphites, Pure Greaseproof, Pure Vegetable Parchment, Polythene Bags and Sheets, All Film Bags, Kraft and Sulphite Bags of every size and description in fact, every type of wrapping material for industrial and modern retail use FROM STOCK BEDFORD & GIFFORD LTD PAPER BAG MAKERS 60-62 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby. Tel: 56122/3. Telegrams: ' Parchment' Grimsby LINCOLNSHIRE MOTOR CO. LTD ~ DISTRIBUTORS FORi GRIMSBY CLEETHORPES at: at: WELLOWGATE · Tel: 5443 CLEETHORPE RD. · Tel: 58337 14
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