Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1966
HINTS TO SECRETARIES 1. Make yourself fully conversant with the rules of the League and observe them. 2. Be sure that all your players complete and sign the Registration Form. These forms will help you to complete the League Registration Form and can be used as evidence in case of disputes. 3. Reply to all correspondence at the earliest possible opportunity. The job has only to be done once. 4. Notify any change of address to the League Secretary at once. S. Attend all meetings, or arrange that your club is represented. 6. Instruct your team captain to ensure that the umpires are treated courteously by the members of your side whilst play is in progress, and bring to the notice of your Committee any conduct likely to bring your club, or the game, into disrepute. 7. Study the rule about the cancellation of League matches, B. You must advise the League Secretary the result of each match (whether cancelled or not) on the Official Form provided not later than 48 hours following the match. 9 . Should your match be off for any reason, inform the umpire immediately, 10. Before signing a player, b e sure that he has fulfilled his financial obligations to his previous club, 11. Submit your best averages to the League Secretary by the end of October, 12, The Committee reqµestthat all clubs and players should patronise the Advertisers in this Handbook, CLUB SECRETARIF.5:- GET YOUR RF.SULT SHEETS IN AT THE EARLIF.ST FOSSIBLE OPFORTUNITY. JOHN EMBERSON BUILDER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Shopfitter & Formica Work Specialist 39 LITTLEFIELD LANE Telephone: 3905 • • • • : PRlVATE : • • CHAPEL • •• : OF REST : • • • • ••••••••••••• GRIMSBY 23
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