Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1966

24, FINANCIAL DEFAULTERS, Noplayerwhohasnotfulfilled his financ – ial obligations to his Club in this League shall be allowed to play for another Club in the League. 25. RELEGATION and PROMOTION. The winning team of the 2nd Div– ision and such lower Divisions may apply for promotion to the next highest Division subject to its ground appointments being of sufficient standard and if the promotion is approved by the League in General Meeting, bottom Club of the next highest Division will be relegated but in no instance shall this rule operate so as to allow any one Club to field two teams in the same Division. In the event of two or more teams having equal number of points at end of season, for promotion and relegation purposes, a play-off shall be arranged by the League Secretary to decide who shall be promoted or relegated , 26. RULES GOVERNING PLAY. All games to be governed by the General Rules of the M,C,C, except where certain rules are not adopted, 27. ALTERATION OF RULES. Any suggested alteration of rules by Clubs------– shall be proposed by one Club and seconded by another Club, both Clubs to send suggested alteration to the League Secretary by the 31st October each year, and such suggested alteration to be circulated amongst the Clubs to allow at least fourteen days notice before the Annual General Meetings. 28. ARREARS. A Club in arrears at the time of the Annual General Meeting of the League shall have no voice or vote on any matter. The League shall hold all members of such Club responsible for the debt and no member of the Club will be allowed to transfer to any other League Club until he can prove to the League Committee that he has paid his liabilities to the Club in arrears, 29, TEAMS USING CORIDRATION GROUNDS, All teams using the Corporation Recreation Grounds shall pay a deposit of 40/- in addition to the League Deposit (see rule 8). They must also pay all dues for use of the ground to the League on demand, The Corporation Groundsman shall be the sole judge of the fitness of the Corporation Recreation Grounds for play, 30, EXTRA RULES, The Committee shall have power to deal with any matter which may arise affecting the League which is not provided for in these rules, BATTCO ELECTRICS LTD ···················································~ CROMPTON SERVICE AGENTS Batteries · Filters · lamps etc. AGENTS FOR POLAR WATER CONDITIONERS CHEMICAL STERILISATION (Gy.) LTD. ~··················································· FARMSTOCK or FISH FACTORY PREMISES MADE PHYSICALLY and BACTERIOLOGICALLY CLEAN BY MODERN METHODS PIGGERIES HENHOUSES - FISH ROOMS and FACTORIES HUMBER BANK SOUTH · FISH DOCKS • GRIMSBY Telephone: 2268 33