Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1966

C• T •M.lns~E~ A~F!.R~. 1!11 HIGH CLASS FAMILY BUTCHER Bacon & Cooked Meat Specialist 21 Market Place · · Barton-on-Humber · Tel. 2142 Estimates Given Repairs a Speciality STAN.CRAVEN & Son Plumbers & Heating Engineers ' Members of the Worshipful Company of Plumbers ' SANITARY AND HOT WATER ENGINEERS • All types of Heating Installations. • Improvement Grant Work. • Town and Country Scr\°ice. • Bathrooms and Kitchens Modernised. • Estimates and Advice Freely Given. • Prompt Attention to all types of Repairs. MARGARET STREET GRIMSBY ' Priv~te Telephone Waltham 3547 Telephone 3 6 3 7 FOR THE BEST EQUIPMENT PLUS 100 °/ 0 SERVICE · ! ! ! C. S. REVILL LTD. THE SPORTS SUPPLY CO. TE L. 24 SOUTH SAINT MARY'S GATE GRIMSBY 56206