Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1966

PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS Dear Members and Friends, This handbook for the 1966 season is, I believe, to be 't!ie best handbook so far published by the Grimsby and District and Lincolnshire County Cricket Leagues. It will be of inestimable value both to Club officials and players, past and present. Interest in our game of cricket has been growing season by season, and the handbook amplifies this, and should provide a stimulas to all players and supporters of clubs in the County. Cricket is now moving into a period of change and it is for us in the League to play our part in shaping the future. The Lincolnshire Cricket Lovers• Society has quickly made its mark. Membership continues to rise and a varied programme has been much appreciated during the winter months. Johr. Wardle has promised to come toGrimsby in October and I trust you will note November 10th when A.A. Thomson, the President of the Cricket Society, visits our Society. Good wishes and a happy cricket season to you all. President: H,W, WILSON, J.P. (President). H.W. WILSON, ESQ,, J.P., CLEETHORPES. Vice- Presidents: W.A.Appleyard, Esq., Grimsby; R. Bateson, Esq., Grimsby; N. Bettany, Esq., Grimsby; S. Bowman, Esq., Healing; J .A. Butt, Esq., Grimsby; J .N. Burkett, Esq., Kirton Lindsey; Sir Douglas Bruce-Gardner, Bart., Scunthorpe; R.J. Charlton, Esq., Grimsby; R,E, Cook, Esq., North Somercotes; R. Croft-Baker, Esq., Leeds; Oscar Dixon, Esq, 1 Grimsby; Tony Dixon, Esq,, Grimsby; Counc. C. E. Edwards, Esq., Cleethorpes; J.W. Hurdiss, Esq., Wrawby; H.A, Ingham, Esq,, Cleethorpes; R,J. Johnson, M.A., J.P., Grimsby;H, King, Esq., Grimsby; Edgar Lee, Esq., Grimsby; R.D. Lee, Esq,, Grimsby; I. Madray, Esq., Grimsby; A.H. Norris, Esq., Scunthorpe; W. Pearson, Esq., Grimsby; Chas. Proctor, Esq.; Carl Ross, Esq., Grimsby; S.C. Smith, Esq., Grimsby; C. Stainsby, Esq., Grimsby; H.E. St_amp, Esq., Cleethorpes;J. Vincent, Esq., Grimsby;G.H. Vanson, Esq. , Grimsby; R. · Walker, Esq., Grimsby; H. Winship, Esq., Cleethorpes; F.A. Would, Esq ., Humberston. P. Carsberg, Esq., Grimsby. 3