Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1966

Message from the Chairman, Lincolnshire County Cricket League and t he Grimsby and District Cricket League. As your Chairman it is with interest and satisfaction that I watch the progress being made in both our Leagues. We start the 1966 cricket season with 76 teams in the Grimsby and District Cricket League and 15 clubs in the Lincolnshire County Cricket League; some three t housand registered players. To all newcomers, to either league, I send my best wishes for a n enjoyable season. It should be appreciated that gre ater numbers lead to heavy work falling on the shoulders of the League Secretary a nd I c ommend to Club Secretaries the "Hints" which you will find in this handbook, especially the notification of match results. President: E.R. FRISBY. (Chairman) . H. W. Wilson, J. P. , Cleethorpes. Vice - Pre'.-,idents: H. W. Bale, Esq . , Louth; J .A. Butt, Esq., Gri msby; G. R. Smith, Esq., Grimsby; H. E. Stamp, Esq., Cleethorpes; F. Slater, Esq., Lincoln. LEAGUE OFFICIALS - LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET LEAGUE P.J. Chairman: E.R. Frisby, 19 Westward Ho, Grimsby. Tel: 7579. Vice-Chairman: R. Walker, 51 Ridgeway, Grimsby. Tel: 7611. Cockram, 3 Orb Lane, Scunthorpe. Tel: Scunthorpe 2409. Hon. Auditor: G.S. Thompson. Hon. Treasurer: E. Barron, 134 Yarborough Road, Grimsby. Tel: 57538. Hon. Secretary: G.E. Marshall, 11 Sycamore Avenue, Grimsby. Tel: 77323. Hon. Assistant Secretary: E. Barron. 134 Yarborough Road, Grimsby. Tel: 57538. PLASTERING A. R. H. Tucker & so'ns (Cleethorpes) Ltd PLASTERING CONTRACTORS All Classes of Cement Work including Floors, Insulation Plastering S IMPERIAL AVENUE CLEETHORPES LINCS Telephones: 62012 · 63532 (Residence) 5