Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1967

CLUBS SECRETARIES AND GROUNDS: GRIMSBY Barton Town C.C. D. Lawson, 4 Western Drive, Barton-on- Marsh Lane, Barton. Humber. Tel: 3283. Bentley St. James' C.C., M. Leeman, 11 Park Avenue, Grimsby. St. James' Ground, M. Wheeler, 6 Bishops Walk, Grimsby. Bargate, Grimsby. Tel: 3367. Brigg Sugar Factory C.C., W. E. Johnson , 11 Cherry Tree Avenue, Main Road , Brigg . Brigg. Tel: Scunthori:;e 61155. British Railways C.C., D. Cresswell, 95 Ladysmith Road , Carr Lane, Grimsby. Grimsby. Tel: Club 55370. Office 58201. British Titans Products C.C., E. Williamson, c/o British Titan Products Pyewipe, Grimsby. Ltd ., Pyewipe, Grimsby. Te l: 55335. B.R.S.A. , lmmingham C.C., \-..l\\)(~A., E. Jacl<son, 2 Thornton Place, lmmingham . .,--,_ 1 ·1 -. lmmingham. Caistor C.C.,\.J-- 1O ·( , 1 * ·H. J. Giddings, 16 Hansard Crescent, Caistor'. .( :{L\6,t,,.. Kelsey Rd . Tel : Caistor 232. Castle Press C.C., ~ · ' A. Wragg , c/o Albert Gait Ltd., Castle Public Grounds. Press, Victoria Street, Gimsby, Tel: Casuals C.C., Public Grounds. Catholic Sports C.C., Public Grounds. C.I.B.A. C.C., Pyewipe, Grimsby. Glee Rovers C.C., CJak Road, Healing . College of Further Education C.C., Nun's Corne r, Grimsby. Corinth ians C.C., Public Grounds. Corporation Transport C.C., Public Grounds. Courtaulds C.C., Public Gro unds. Cromwell C.C., B.R.S .A. Ground, Olossom Way, lmm ing1am. Crusaders C.C. , Hewitt's Circus, Humbe~ston. Tel: 62638. Dunlop Sports C.C., Public Grounds. East Halton C.C., East Halton: Electricity Sports C.C., Public Grounds. Elsham C.C., Elsham. Eskimo C.C., Hewitts Circus, Humberston . Tel: 62630. 56158. J. Watts, 237 Heneage Road , Grimsby. Tel: 56513. G. F. Clarke, 1 Hawthorne A\'enue, Cleethorpes. Tel: Home 61760. Office 58321. N. Stiff, c/o C.I.B.A. Chemicals Ltd ., Pyewipe, Grimsby. Tel: Office 55221 . . J. Morton, 15 Beacon Court, Grimsby. Tel : 63278. Office 5148. J. Thompson, c/o College of Further Education . Tel: 7239. T. W. Johnson, 41 Lichfield Road, Grimsby. Tel: 62742. H. Benson, c/o Transport Office, Grimsby. Tel: 3526. . K. S. C. Trushell , 127 Davenport Drive, Cleethorpes. Tel: 58051 (work). K. Garner, 381 Hainton Avenue, Grimsby. Tel: Home 2215. C. Kennedy, 26 Eastwood Avenue, Grimsby. Tel : 79575. Office 46G1. D. Evans, 6 Dorothy Avenue, Walthe.m. Tel : 58494. J. E. Hoare, 25 Royal Drive, lmmingham. Tel: Works, Killingholme 291. Home, Ki llingholme 309. N. Parr, c/o Y.E.B. Ladysmith Road, Grimsby. Tel : 5114. J. Vickers, Post Office, Worlaby, Brigg. Tel: Elsham 206. J. E. Ball, Fropax Eskimo Food Ltd. , Pelham Road, Cleethorpes. Tel: 22931. 11