Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1967

GRIMSBY & DISTRICT CRICKET RULE~- continue~ 9. ARRANGEMENTS OF FIXTURES. Fixtures to be arranged by the League Officials. The fixtures for each Di vision to be completed and issued to each Club by 15th March . Any alteration to such fixtures must be mace before 15th April and the League Secretary notified of the alteraiion by all Clubs concerned, after which time fi xtures must be strictly adhered to. Any Club not fulfilling such fixtures may be fined 10/Gd. by the League Committee fo r the first of'ence, and expenses incurred shall be reimbursed. For the second offcence, the Club is liable to be expelled from the League. 10. PLAYERS. Clubs must register with the Hon. Sec~et2ry a list of play– ing members each year before the of the season. Any Club with teams in more than one Division shall be allowed to play its members in either Division up to 0th July in each season. At this date, a player who has played in six matches in a higher Division shall not play in a lower Division without special permission of the League Officials. Additional registrations can be efiected until 8th July, aiter this date formal application for further registrations will be considered by t:1e League Officials but will only be allowed in extenuating circumstances. A player shall only be al lowed to play for one Club in any Saturday Division and one Club in any Mid Week Division in one season w it!1out the Club's Secretaries and League Sec retaries permission of transference. 11 . REGISTRATION. Members of Clubs are ineligible to play in any match unless their names have been registered or transferred by the League Committee. Any Club playing an unregistered player shall be fined from 10/ 6d . to a maximum of £1 1 s. 0d. and forfeit two points from points gained. The offending player shall also be fined a minimum of 10/ 6d. 12. TRANSFER OF PLAYERS. No affi liated League Club, either through its Officials or any r:e rson or society interested in the Club, shall approach during the current playing season, any player of any other affiliated League Club for the purpose of securing his services at any time without first giving seven days' notice of their intention to negotiaie. This notice must be given to the Secretary of the Player's Club in writing and by reg istered post. No player shall negotiate with any other League Club unless he can produce in writi r.g an official permi ssion from his present Club. Such permission shall nc,t be withheld unless the player has failed to fulfil all financial obligations to his Club. The player shall have the right to apres.I to the Committee if permission is withheld w ithout just case. Tra ns1er Fee 2/- is payable to tt:e League Secretary at time of transfer. 13. METHOD OF SCOR!NG POINTS. /l.II S3turday Division games shall be allowed four points for an outright w in. Two points to te awarC:ecl for a tie. In a drawn game the team sc ori ;-,g the highest numter of runs shal l be awarded thri::e points ancl their opponents awarded or:e point. /: II abandoned and matches cancel led through weather shall count as a tie. In all other divisior.s two points shall be allowed for a wi n, one point ·;or a tie or draw. Abandoned and matches cancelled through weather shall count as a draw. 14. CANCELLATION OF MATCHES . No match shall be ca r.celled tl1roun:1 weather before 11 o 'clock a.m. on the day of the match unless authoritJ is obta ined from the League Secretary. 15. HOURS and CONDITIONS of PLAY - SATURDAY DIVIS:CNS. Punctuality is absolutely essential. All matches in Saturday Divisions shall commence at 2.30 p.m. Clubs wishing to start at 3 p.m. may do so by mutual consent, but must notify the Secretary of the Umpires' Associatio11 not less than fourteen clear days before the match in qce3tion. 23