Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1967

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Lincolnshire Couniy Cricket League and the Grimsby and District Cricket League It can safely be said that North Lincolnshire is now the Mecca o1 cricket in Lincolnshire and the Lincolnshire County Cricket League is more than playing its part in 1-:eer-: ing cricket in the County on such high a plain . The Grimsby and District Cricket League should be a stepping stone for all players wishing to improve their cricket and get into a Lincolnshi re Leag ue side. I think we must congratu late ourselves after only being in existence a few years that this year the Linco lnsh ire League has been accepted into the Rothman Trophy competition. Thi s competition is rnade up of the best Leag ue teams in the Country. It is indeGd an honour in being accepted on our first application. Congratulations to Skipper Ron Beeson and his players on w inning the Minor Counties competition; the first time ever. I consider we, as a League, should be more than proud that the County side was virtually a Lincolnshire League side. I am sure that League cricket is the only cricket to play .to .be successful in the County team. ·· My sincere thanks to· all officials, players and umpires who made last season so successful and made my position as your Chairman such a p leasure. . -· Finally our thoughts go out to Mrs. Wil son the wife of our President and I know I speak for all members when."I say we -sincerely hope she will soon have better news of her husband . President: E. R. FR ISBY (Chairman) . H. W. Wilson, J.P., Cleethorpes. Vi ce-Presidents: H. W. Bale, Esq ., Louth ; J. A. Butt, Esq., Grimsby; P. Carsberg, Esq., Grimsby; G. R. Smith , Esq ., Grimsby; H. E. Stamp, Esq ., Cleelhorpes. LEAGUE OFFICIALS LINCOLNSHIR~ COUNT_¥ CRICKET LEAGUE Chairman: E. R. Frisby, 19 Westward Ho, Grimsby. Tel: 7579. Vice-Chairmen: R. Walke r, 51 Ridgeway,- Grimsby. Tel: 7611. P. J. Cockram, 3 ·orp Lane, Scunthorpe. Tel: Scunthorpe 2409. Hon. Auditor: G~ S. Thompson. Hon. Treasure r: E. Barron, 134 Yarborough Road, Grimsby. Tel: 57538. Hon. Secretary: G. E. Marshall, 11 Sycamore Avenue, Grimsby. Tel : 77323. Hon . Assistant Secretary: E. Barron, 134 Yarborough Road, Grimsby. Tel: 57538. 5