Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1968

~ CLUBS, SECRE", UES AND GROUNDS-continued RAF.A. C.C., Public Grounds. R.A.F. Binbrook C.C., R.A.F. Station, Binbrook. R.A.F. Northcotes C.C., R.A.F. Station, Northcotes. Ross Group C.C., Weelsby Road, Grimsby. Tel: 56952. Paper Mills C.C., Lit11efield Lane, Grimsby. Tel: 58595. Scatter C.C., Scotton Road. Shell-Mex C.C., Public Grounds. South Kelsey C.C., Skipworth Close. Springfield C.C., Public Grounds. Sutcliffe Sports C.C., Public Grounds. Telegraph Sports C.C., Public Grounds. Tetney C.C., Tetney. Waltham C.C., Waltham. B. M. Slade, 13 Waddingham Place, New Waltham. Tel. 55821 . Sjt. Cobb, 8 Merlin Road, R.A.F. Binbrook, Lincoln. Tel. Binbrook 282, Ext. 339. Sqd-Leader R. C. Bridges, Tel. Marshchapel. Tel. 241 Ext. 339. Home Tel. 362. F. Mercer, 33 Rialto Avenue, Grimsby. Tel. Office 58421 , Home 56882. B. Hoe, 10 Church Lane, Waltham, Grimsby. Tel. Office 5158, Home 823416. P. L. Westcott, 31 Gainsborough Road , Scatter, Gainsborough, Lines. Tel. Scatter 214. A. L. Hicks, c/o Shell-Mex and B.P. Ltd ., Killingholme, East Halton, Grimsby. Tel. Killingholme 291. W. Blackburn, 2 Skipworth Ridge, South Kelsey, Lincoln. Tel. c / o North Kelsey 298 and 273. J. W. Hackney, 19 Halton Place, Cleethorpes. Tel. 58211 . P. Newman, c/o John Sutcliffe & Son (Grimsby Ltd.), Royal Dock, Grimsby. Tel.51 21. Miss Rosemarie Lawn, c /o Evening Telegraph, 88 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby. Tel. 5432. Mrs. W. M. Eggleston, 8 Chapel Garth, Tetney, Grimsby. Tel. c / o Humberston 3154. J. A. Adams, 3 Leas Close, Waltham, Grimsby. Tel. Waltham 3147, Universal _Ca_rpet Fitters FRff ! Half inch SUPER CUSH FOAM UNDERLAY FRff ! FITTING BY EXPERTS FREE! ESTIMATES SPECIALISTS IN FITTED CARP£ TS Distance no object Telephone 3730 49 NEW MARKET STREET, GRIMSBY II