Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1968

HINTS TO PLAYERS r"\ 1. Every cricketer is the heir to a great English trac. , n and can help to hand on and even to enrich thi s part of the English way of life. 2. A cricketer should never forget that he is playing with, as we ll as agai nst the other team and that he is either their host or their guest. 3. A player should strive for all he is worth to win or, if he cannot win , to avert defeat; but th ere is a price beyond which victory or the avoidance of defeat should never be bought. 4. The struggle and its result should never obscure th e true ends for wh ich it is played, recreation , good fellowship, the training of character, and above all the conviction wh ich the game can bring that, through it and what it gives, life is indeed the more worth living . 5. Every cricketer should take pride in turning out as smart and tidy as he can be and in looking afte r his equipment properly. 6. Whenever you bat always wear pads, and gloves and a protector if you have them; not on ly can they save you from injury but they will give you confidence. 7. Keep your pads clean and see that the straps are not so long as to flap beyond the buckles. 8. If your cricket boots or shoes are leather-soled, see th at they are properly nailed and be su re to keep the nails clear of mud. It is impossible to bowl or field we ll unless you are properly shod: a slip may cost you your wicket when batting, or mean missing a catch that can lose the match. 9. Be sure that you can wie ld your bat easi ly. You can test its " drive " by knocking up a ball with it. Keep the face clean with sandpaper; oil it when new, but once it is driving we ll a rub once a week or so with an oily rag is all it will need. Never let it get wet, e.g., from lying on wet grass. Never store it near a hot pipe or radi ator in the winter. Never play with a loose rubber handle; get it stuck down again at once. 10. Take ca re of your cricket ball. Keep it clea r of mud, especially the seam. If it gets wet never dry it in front of the fire . Dubbin or a co lourless furniture cream w ill keep the leather in good condition. 11. No real cricketer should ever stop learning . The more he learns and the harder he works at it, the better he wil l play th e game and the more he will enjoy it. 12. No cricketer wi ll go wrong by following their fri ends who patronise the Advertisers in this Handb0ok. GRIMSBY & DISTRICT CRICKET LEAGUE RULES AMENDED 1.12.65 1. NAME. The Leag ue shall be known as the "Grimsby and District 0 Cricket Leag ue". 2. OFFICIALS. The Officers shall consist of a Chairman, Vice -Chairmen, Hon . Treasurer and Hon. Secretary. These shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting . 3. COMMITTEE. The Committee to transact the business of the League shall be the Officers and one representative from each Club constituting the League. Six Club representatives to form a Quorum. 4. COMMITTEE MEETINGS. The Committee shal l meet bi-month ly or at any time as the business of the Leag ue may requ ire. Seven days' notice of all meetings shall be sent by post to all Officers and Club Secretaries. Consistent non-attendance at meetings without extenuating circumstances by any Club shall render them liabl e to a fine not exceeding 5/- per meeting, at the Comm ittee's discretion. 5. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Annual General Meeting shall be held before the 31 st December of each year. The business shal l be to elect Officers, Aud itors, Ground Inspection Committee, to receive and 26