Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1968

SPORTS GOODS FOR ALL SPORTS Reliable Service - Best Equipment Special terms t':l Clu'Js and Organisa~ions CONSULT CRASKE & SMITH lTD. THE SPORTS SPECIALISTS 189 & /9/ C/eethorpe Road : Grim1by : Telephone 2422 Courlene POLYTHENE Terelene or SPORTS X Nylon D1y1ene NETS Twines Used Polythene if desired ROT PROOF! GUARANTEED! SHRINKPROOF ! No preserving treatment required . .. SUPPLIER TO PARKS EDUCATION AUTHORITIES AND LEADING SPORTING ORGANISATIONS GANG MOWING, LANDSCAPc GARDENING K. Agent Flymo Mower Quotations without obligation Orders completed to customers specifications FOSTER THE ORCHARD, MARSH LANE, NEW HOLLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE Telephone: Barrow-on-Humber 253 Club ties and Badges