Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1968

~ LEAGUE OFFICIALS GRIMSBY & DISTRICT CRICKET LEAGUE President: H. W. WILSON, ESQ., J.P., CLEETHORPES. Vice-Presidents: W. A. Appleyard, Esq., Grimsby; R. Bateson, Esq., Grimsby; N. Bettany, Esq., Grimsby; J. A. Butt, Esq., Grimsby; J. N. Burkett, Esq., Kirton Lindsey; Sir Douglas Bruce-Gardner, Bart., Scunthorpe; R. J. Charlton. Fsq., Grimsby; P. J. Cockram, Esq., Scunthorpe; R. E. Cook, Esq., North Somercotes; R. Croft-Baker, Esq., Leeds; Tony Dixon, Esq.. Grimsby; Coun. C.E. Edwards, Esq., Cleethorpes; J. W. Hurdiss, Esq., Wrawby; H. A. lngham,Esq., Cleethorpes; R. J. Johnson, M.A., J.P., Grimsby; H. King Grimsby; Edgar Lee, Esq., Grimsby; R. D. Lee, Esq., Grimsby; I. Madray, Esq., Grimsby; A. H. Norris, Esq., Scunthorpe;. W. Pearson, Esq., Grimsby; Chas. Proctor,0.B.E: Carl Ross, Esq., Grimsby; S. C. Smith, Esq ., Grimsby; C. Stainsby, Esq., Grimsby; H. E. Stamp, Esq., Cleethorpes; J. Vincent, Esq., Grimsby; G. H. Vanson, Esq., Grimsby; R. Walker, Esq., Grimsby; H. Winship, Esq., Cleethorpes; F. A. Would, Esq., Humberston; P. Carsberg, Esq., Grimsby. Mrs. H.W. Wilson Chairman: E. R. Frisby, 19 Westward Ho, Grimsby. Tel: 7579. Vice-Chairmen: C. Kennedy, 26 Eastwood Avenue, Grimsby. Tel: 79575. R. Walker, 1 Ridgeway, Grimsby. Tel: 7611. Hon. Auditor: G. S. Thompson. Hon. Treasurer: E. Barron, 134 Yarborough Road, Grimsby. Tel: 57538. Hon. Secretary: G. E. Marshall , 11 Sycamore Avenue, Grimsby. Tel: 77323. Hon. Assistant Secretary: E. Barron, 134 Yarborough Road, Grimsby. Tel: 57538. Grounds Inspection Committee: Mr. D. Bee Mr. H. Walker Mr. H. E. Pask Representatives to Umpires Association: Mr. H. E. Pask Mr. G. S. Thompson Mr. C. Kennedy H. C. WRIGHT & SONS GANG MOWING SPECIALISTS KEEP AMONG THE "RUNS" BY HAVING YOUR OUTFIELDS REGULARLY CUT. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST WHITEGATE HILL - CAISTOR - LINCOLN 3