Grimsby and District Cricket League and Lincolnshire County Cricket League Guide 1968

MESSA~ FROM THE VICE-CHAIRMAN Grim, ., and Disirict Cricket League I wou ld li ke to take thi s opportunity of thanking the League for the honour of making me a Vice-Chairman, at the Annual General Meeting, in recognition of thi rty years' service with the Crusaders C.C. As th e eyes of the cricketing world turn toward s Lord's for what in recent years amounts to an annual stock taking I was privi leged to represent the Grimsby and District League at a meeting of the newly– formed South Humberside Sports Advi sory Council , at the Town Hall , Grimsby. An appraisal of the existing sports facilities in Grimsby, Cleethorpes and district will be the first step taken. Members were asked to cons ider future activities and we have two months in which to determine what facilities there are for our own sport, what facilities we would li ke to see and how the counc il cou ld assist. The future work ing programme depends entire ly on the information com ing from members and Mr. K. L. Gill , of the Central Council for Physical Recreat ion , offe red to supply questionnaire forms to help in the preparation of member's reports. The forming of an executive committee was adjourr.ed to give members a chance to become acquainted wit h one another. The com– mittee would have nine members and once \he cou ncil was fully operational most of th e bu siness would be transacted by the committee. You can rest assured th at your officials wi ll do all they can to furth er the interests of cricket in thi s area. President: CO LIN KENNEDY (Vi ce-Chairman) . H. W. Wil son, J.P. , Cleethorpes. Vice-Presidents: H. W. Bale, Esq ., Louth; J. A. Butt, Esq ., Grimsby; P. Carsberg , Esq. , Grimsby; G. R. Sm ith, Esq., Grimsby; H. E. Stamp, Esq. , Cleethorpes. P. J . Cockram , Esq. , Scu nthorpe. N. Maslin, Es(!! ., Cl eethorpes. Mrs. H. W. Wil son, Cl eethoq: e,. Chairman : E. R. Fri sby, 19 Westward Ho, Grimsby. Tel : 7579. Vice-Chairmen: R. Walker, 51 Ridgeway, Grimsby. Tel: 7611. B. Bass indale, 25 Brant Road, Scunth orpe. Hon . Aud itor: G. S. Thompson . Hon. Treasurer: E. Barron, 134 Yarborough Road, Grimsby. Tel : 57538. Hon . Secretary: G. E. Marshall , 11 Sycamo re Avenue, Grimsby. Tel: 77323. Hon. Assistant Secretary: E. Barron , 134 Yarborough Road, Grimsby. Te l: 57538. 5