Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 1975
24th JULY Malvern V Gy Ramblers B 29th JULY Casuals V Catholic Sports B Gy Exchange v Gy Ramblers B DIVISION THREE 7th MAY Crusaders V Tetney B Cosalt V Birds Eye BR Humberston v lmmingham BRSA BR 8th MAY Fisons V Humber Refinery 14th MAY Imm. BRSA v Crusaders Birds Eye V Tetney B Fi sons V Humberston 15th MAY Humber Refinery v Cosalt B 21st MAY Cosalt v Fisons v Imm . BRSA v 22nd MAY Humberston v 28th MAY Crusaders V Tetney V Cosalt V 29th MAY Crusaders Tetney Birds Eye B Humber Refinery B Fisons B Imm. BRSA Humberston BR Humber Refinery v Birds Eye B B ; Barretts BR ; Bradley KG ; King George 4th JUNE Tetney V Fisons V Birds Eye V 5th JUNE Crusaders V 11th JUNE Imm. BRSA v Birds Eye v Humberston v 12th JUNE Tetney v 17th JUNE Humber Ref. v Crusaders v Humberston v Cosalt v 19th JUNE Tetney v Humber Ref. v Birds Eye v Imm. BRSA v 25th JUNE Crusaders v Tetney v Humberston v 26th JUNE Cosalt v Cosalt Imm . BRSA Humberston BR Humber Refinery B Cosalt Fi sons BR Crusaders B Humber Refinery Imm. BRSA BR Birds Eye BR Tetney BR Fi sons BR Crusaders Fisons B Cosalt B Humberston Imm . BRSA B Birde Eye Fisons BR Humber Refinery B
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