Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 1976

19. UMPIRES . Neutral Ur-1pires shall officiate in all Senior Division Matches. Each Club with a team in other Divisions shal l whenever possible nominate one or more approved Umpires to officiate in its own Club matches. 20. PAYMENT OR UMPIRES. The Umpires' Fees shall be £1.00 plus any expenses incurred. This to be shared by both Clubs equally. If a match has been CLlncelled but the Umpires have not been informed of such cancellation and they report to the grnund to officiate at the match, the Umpire si13I I be paid 50p plus any expenses incurred. 21. UMPIRES UNABLE TO TAKE APPOINTMENTS. Should any Umpire be unable to take any appointments, he must notify the Hon. Secretary of the of the Umpires' Association who w ill arrange :i substitute from the League's list of official Umpires . 22. UMPIRES' ASSOCIATION. The Umpires' Association shall be an integ- ral part of the League and subject to its rules and requirements. 23. COMPLAINTS. In the event of any complaint being made against a Club, the Hon. Secretary should acquaint the offending Club of the exact nature of the complaint at least seven days before the League Meeting at which such com– plaint shou ld come up for co nsideration. A Club shall not be ca lled upon to answer any complaint at a League Meeting unless it has received seven days' notice as above. Th e complaint 1"'1ust be made in writing and accompani~d- by a Fee of 50p. The Fee will be forfeited if the Committee consider the complaint or appeal frivolous and ref unded if considered reasonable. Should the complaint be proved the offending Club shall be dealt with as the Committee may direct. 24. FINANCIAL DEFAULTERS. No player who has not fulfilled his fin– ancial obligations to his Club in this League shall be allowed to play for .:nother Club in the League. 25. RELEGATION and PROMOTION . The winning team of the 2nd Division and such lower Divisions may apply for promotion to the ne xt highest Division subject to its ground appointments being of sufficient stand(lrd and if the promotion is approved by the League in General Meeting, bottom Club of the ne xt highest Division will be relegated but i!l no instance shall this rule operate so as to allow any one Club to field two teams in the same Division . In the event of two or more teams having equal number of points at end of season for promotion and re legation purposes, a play-off shall be arranged by the League Secretar 1, to decide who shall be promoted or relegated. 26. RULES GOV!::RNING PLAY. All games to be governed by the General Rulss of the M. C. C. e:<cept where certain rules are not adopted. 27. ALTERATION OF RULES. Any suggested alteration of rules by Clubs shall be propond by one Club and seconded by annther Club, both Clubs to s,·nd suggested alterc>tion to the League Secretary by the 31H October each year, and such suggested alteration to be circulated amongst the Clubs to allow at least fourteen days' n0tice before the Annual General Meetings, 6