Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 1976

28. ARREARS. A Club in arrears at the tinie of th e A nn ual G1neral Meeting of the League shalI have no voice or vote on any matter. The League shall ho ld all members of such Club respo nsible for the debt a•1d no member of the Club w ill be al!owed to tra nsfer to any o ther League Club u ntil he can prove to the L uague Commi ttee that he has paid his liabilities to t he Club in arrears. 29. TEAMS USING COR PORATION GROUNDS. A ll teams using the Corporation Recreation Grounds shall pay a deposit of £2 in addition to the League Deposit (see ru le 8). Th ey must also pay all dues for use of the ground to the League on demand. The Corporation Groundsman shal l be the sole judge of the fitness of the Corporatio n Recrea tion Gro unds for pl ay . 30. EXTRA RULES . Th e Committee shall havP. power to deal with any matter which may ari se affecting the League w hich is not provided for in these rul es. HINTS TO SECRETARIES 1. Make y ourself ful ly conversa nt with the ru les of the League and observe them. 2. Be sure that alI your p lay ers complete and sign the Registration Form. Th ese forms wil l help you to corr.plete the League Registration Form and can be used in evidence in case of disputes. 3. Reply to all correspondence at the earliest possible opportunity . Th e job has on ly to be d one once . 4. No tify any change of address to the Leag ue Secretarv at once. 5. Attend all meetings, or arrange that your club is represented . 6. lnstru:t your team ca ptain to ensure that the umpires are treated court– eo usly by the members of your side w hilst p lay is in progress, and bring to the notice of your Committee any conduct li ke ly to bring your club, or the game in disrepui:e. 7. Study the rule about the cance llation of Le?gue matches. 8. You must advise the L eague Secretary th e resu lt of each match (wh ether cancelled or no t ) on the Official Form provided not later than 48 hours fol lowing the match, 9. Sho uld your match be off for any reason, inform the umpire immed iat ely. 10. Before signing a play er, be sure that he has t ulfilled his financial obligations to his previou s club. 11. Subm it your best averages to the Lea(;ue Secretary by the end of October. 12. The Committee request that all Clubs and players should patronise the Advertisers in th is Handboo k. CLUB SECRETARIES : GET YOUR RESULT SHEETS IN AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE OPPORTUNI TY. 7