Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 1976
SAT. JUNE 19th Cromwell - Drewery Tetney South Kelsey Partizan Barton Town v British legion BR v Wa ltham v N.D.l.B. v Grimsby BRSA B. v Keelby SAT. JUNE 26th Grimsby BRSA v Partizan v Unispeed British Legion BR Barton Town N.D.l.B. Keel by SAT.JULY3rd v South Kelsey v Tetney BR v Cromwell· Drewery Unispeed v British legion BR Waltham v South Kelsey Partizan N.D.L.B. Tetney SAT.JULY 10th Waltham South Kelsey Partizan N.D.l.B. Keel by SUN.JULY 11th N .D.l.B. Tetney Keel by Cromwell- Drewery SAT.JULY 17th Unispeed British legion N.D.l.B. Cromwell- Drewery Tetney v Barton Town B v Cromwell– Drewery BR v Keelby v Unispeed v British legion v Cromwell- Drewery BR v Barton Town BR v Grimsby BRSA v Unispeed BR v British Legion v Waltham v Grimsby BRSA v South Kelsey BR v Waltham BR v Partizan BR v Barton Town v Grimsby BRSA SUN . JULY 18th Barton v Partizan SAT. JULY 24th Partizan v Unispeed BR Keelby v British legion Cromwell - Drewery Barton Town N.D.l.B. SUN.JULY 25th v Waltham V V Tetney Grimsby BRSA BR British Legion v South Kelsey BR SAT. JULY 31st Barton Town v Unispeed Grimsby BRSA v British legion N .D.l.B. v Waltham BR South Kelsey Tetney SUN. AUG. 1st British legion Waltham N.D.L.B. V Keel by V Cromwell- Drewery V Cromwel l- Drewery BR v Tetney v South Kelsey BR Grimsby BRSA v Partizan Keelby v Barton Town SAT. AUG. 7th Unispeed Partizan Tetney Keelby SUN. AUG 8th v Cromwell- Drewery BR v Waltham BR v South Kelsey v N.D.l.B . Grimsby BRSA v Barton Town SAT. AUG. 14th Unispeed v N.D.l.B. BR British Legion v Tetney BR Waltham v Keelby Partizan v South Kelsey BR Grimsby BRSA v Cromwell- Drewery 27
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