Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 1976

WED. MAY 12th United v South Bank B THURS. MAY 13th Findus New Waltham v Brit Trans Pol ice v Gy Wanderers BR WED . MAY 19th Brit Trans Police v New Waltham v TH URS. MAY 20th United IMM Findus BR South Bank v Western Yout h Cen t re B Gy Wanderers v Western O.B. WS MON . MAY 24th THURS. MAY 27th Western O.B. v New Waltham WS Gy Wanderers v South Bank B WED. JUN E 2nd United v Western Youth Centre B THURS. JUNE 3rd South Bank v New Waltham B Brit Trans Police v Gy Wanderers \MM Findus v Western O.B . WED . JUN E 9th United v Gy Wanderers B THURS. JUNE 10th Brit Trans Police v New Waltham IMM Wes tern Youth Centre v Brit Trans Police CF Findus v Western Youth Centre TU ES. MAY 25th Western O.B. v South Bank WS United v Findus K .G. OBTAINABLE ALMOST EVERYWHERE IN LINCOLNSHIRE MILK and CREAM FROM CLOVER _ _ DAIRIES_ 36