Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 1976

When a customer wants grass sow the money-saving grass - Nickersons Low-Maintenance Mixtures save your clients money-they need cutting only twice a year. And they reduce your problems. Quick to germinate and establish, Nickersons mixtures thrive even in poor seed beds and at low seeding rates. LMl is for urban use, LM2 for rural reseeding. There are also Nickersons Nature Conservation Blends containing many species of wild plants from foxgloves to ........ poppies. Nickersons know that when you want gross you want grass fast. We can deliver within seven days of your order. For all the details of Nickersons grasses for roadsides, sportsgrounds, golf courses and parks, ring or write to: ........... Nickersons of Rothwell, Scientific Seedsmen, Field House, Grimsby, South Humberside DN34 4SX. Tel: 0472 S8021 ~