Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 1976

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN GRIMSBY & DISTRICT CRICKET LEAGUE In May the League starts its 56th season. During the close season the backroom boys have been working hard to produce fixtures for 33 teams in the Saturday Divisions and 56 teams in the Midweek Divisions. At my first annual general meeting as your chairman, in 1969, the League had 65 teams, and assets amounting to £464, excluding the value of the trophies now insured for over £1,000. Last season we had 80 teams, an increase of 15, and assets of £866.79, an increase of just over £400. So with 89 teams th is coming season we have gained 24 teams over a period of seven seasons, which indicates a successful post-operative period following the reduction in the number of teams caused by the expansion of the Lines. League. Of course it is good for cricket generally when so mariy teams wish to enter our League, but things don't happen by magic, anrf I wish to commend the hard work done by our Honorary Secretary, Jack Swain, and Honorary Treasurer, John Morton, who between them help to make my task a p leasurable one. I would also like to thank the officials of the Lines. League for their kind co-operation, especially in matters relating to the joint-dinner. As you know the chairmen of the two Leagues officiate at the annual dinner on alternate years, and this system has worked well for the March function which is the showpiece of cricket in this area, and, as far as I can ascertain, unmatched anywhere in the country by Leagues of comparable size. Our thanks are also due to the Lincolnshire and South Humberside Cricket Association for running the Fixture Emergency Service for the second year. In 1974 at least 22 fixtures were arranged, and this was increased to 40 last season. The secretary is David Chambers, 13 Redbourne Drive, Lincoln, (Tel: Lincoln 24262). The service is open to all clubs in Lincolnshire, South Humberside, Nottinghamshire and the surrounding districts, and is designed to help clubs who suffer late cancellations, or cannot find a fixture ona particular date. Clubs should ring David Chambers who will put them in touch with any clubs in a similar position . It is a free service to all cricket association members, but a charge of 20p will be made to non-members when a fixture is successfully arranged. Clubs should give dates they have available, a club telephone number, whether a ground is available, the maximum distance they would travel for an away game, and the approximate strength of their side. With an odd number of teams in our Saturday Divisions this season the service should be particularly helpful to clubs. I would like to close by wishing all the teams playing this summer a happy season, and as the glorious weather of last season proved there is nothing wrong with cricket when the sun is shining. Finally, hearty congratulations to all the award winners in 1975. COLIN KENNEDY Chairman. 2