Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 1977
SATURDAY LEAGUE DIVISION THREE 25th JUNE Glee Rovers V Waltham 7th MAY South Kelsey V Barton Birds Eye V Glee Rovers (BR) Birds Eye V Tetney (BR) British Legion V Barton (BR) Bentley V British Legion (BR) Waltham V Tetney Bentley V Partizan (BR) 2nd JULY 14th MAY Glee Rovers V Tetney Barton V Partizan Barton V Waltham Birds Eye V British Legion (8) Glee Rovers V South Kelsey Waltham V Bentley Bentley V Birds Eye (BR) Partizan V British Legion (BR) 9thJULY British Legion V Glee Rovers (8) 15th MAY (SUNDAY) Waltham V Barton Tetney V Birds Eye Tetney V Bentley Partizan V South Kelsey (BR) 21st MAY No matches arranged. 16th JULY Glee Rovers V Birds Eye 22nd MAY (SUNDAYI Barton V Bentley Tetney V South Kelsey South Kelsey V British Legion British Legion V Partizan (BR) 28th MAY 17th JULY (SUNDAYI Bentley V Glee Rovers (BR) Partizan V Waltham (at Waltham Birds Eye V Barton (BR) if agreed) British Legion V Waltham (BI Barton V British Legion Tetney v P artizan 23rd JULY 4th JUNE South Kelsey V Glee Rovers Barton V Tetney Partizan V Barton (BR) South Kelsey V Birds Eye Birds Eye V Bentley (BR) British !,.egion V Bentley (8) British Legion V Tetney (BR) Waltham V Partizan 30thJULY 11thJUNE Bentley Glee Rovers V Tetney V Glee Rovers Barton V Birds Eye Waltham V British Legion Wa ltham V South Kelsey Birds Eye V Partizan (BR) Partizan V Tetney (BR) Bentley V South Kelsey (BI 18th JUNE 6thAUGUST British Legion Glee Rovers V Glee Rovers V Barton Bentley V Barton (BR) Partizan v. Bentley (BR) Birds Eye V South Kelsey (BI South Kelsey V Tetney Tetney V Waltham Birds Eye V Waltham (BR) 27 ...
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