Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 1977
13th AUGUST Barton V Partizan V Bentley V British Legion V 20th AUGUST Tetney V South Kelsey V Clee Rovers V British Legion V 27th AUGUST Waltham V Partizan V Barton V Bentley V Clee Rovers Birds Eye (BR) Waltham (BR) South Kelsey (B) Barton Waltham Partizan Birds Eye (K.G.) Birds Eye Clee Rovers (BR) South Kelsey Tetney (BR) 29th AUGUST (MONDA!Y) South Kelsey v Part~zan 3rd SEPTEMBER Waltham Tetney South Kelsey v CleetiRovers v Briti h Legion v Ben ley B BR K.G. Barretts Bradley King George SATURDAY LEAGUE DIVISION FOUR 7th MAY Unispeed V Associated (BR) N.D.L.B. V Grimsby BASA (B) lmmingham BASA V Winteringham Findus V Keelby Clover Dairies V Courtaulds (BR) 14th MAY Associated v lmmingham BASA (BR) Grimsby BASA v Keelby Findus v Courtaulds N.D.L.B. v Unispeed (BR) Winteringham f/ Clover Dairies 21st MAY No matches arranged. 22nd MAY (SUNDAY) Findus Associated v Winteringham v Courtaulds (K.G.) 28 28th MAY Findus Unispeed lmmingham BASA Keelby Clover Dairies 4th JUNE Winteringham Clover Dairies N.D.L.B. Courtaulds Findus 11th JUNE v Asso9iated v Grimry BASA (BR) v Courtaulds v N.D. l. B. v Wintl 1 ringham (BR) v Assa ,iated v GrimfbY BASA (BR) V lmmirgham BrSA (BR} V Keel~y (BR) v Unispeed Grimsby BASA v lmmirgham BASA Clover Dairies v N.D. .B. (BR) Keelby v Findr Courtaulds v Unispeed (BR)
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