Grimsby and District Cricket League Handbook 1977

LEAGUE OFFICIALS GRIMSBY AND DISTRICT CRICKET LEAGUE 1977 SEASON President: J. Carl Ross. Esq Vice-Presidents: C.W. Edwards, H.A. Ingham, Mrs. H.W. Wilson, W.P. Appleyard , J.A. Butt, R.J. Charlton. Tony Dixon, H. King, N.M. McVicker, C.E. Proctor, O.B.E .. C. Stainsby, G.H. Vanson, J. Vincen t . F.A. Would, J. W. Hurdiss, N. J. Smith, J . F. Proctor W. S. Thornalley, F. Sutherland H. Carsberg Chairman: Colin Kennedy, A.C.P. 26 Eastwood Avenue, Grimsby. Tel: 79575. Vice-Chairman: J. E. D. Ball, 31, Bradford Ave .. Cleethorpes. Hon. Auditor: G. S. Thompson . Hon . Treasurer: J. Morton, 15 Beacon Court, Grimsby . Tel: 65933. Hon. Asst. Treasurer: J. E. 0 . Ball, 31 Bradford Avenue; Cleethorpes. Hon. Secretary: J. S. Swain., 44 Dugard Road, Cleethorpes. Tel: 56189. Hon. Asst. Secretary: J. Morton, 15 Beacon Court, Grimsby. Tel: 65933. Grounds Inspection Commiuee: T.W. Johnson; C.H.Warman, F. Creese (Institute of Groundsmen, Grimsby) Representatives to Umpires Association: C. Kennedy; J. Morton. J. S. Swain. Handbook Sub-Committee: C. Kennedy; J. S. Swain . Representative to Lincolnshire and South Humberside Cricket Association J. Morton. Representative to South Humberside Sports Advisory Council C. Ke.nnedy Published by J. Rogers, Scartho, Grimsby, Tel. 822959 and printed by The 1-lainton Printing Centre, 139 Hainton Avenue, Grimsby, Tel. 57530.