Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

10. 11. 12: 13. 14. PLAYE11S Clubs must register with the Hon. Secretary all playing members each year before commencement of the season. Additional registrations can be effected, applications to be forwarded to the Hon . Secretary. TRANSFER OF PLAYERS No Affiliated League Club, eith sr through its Officials or any person or society interested in the Club shall approach during the current playing season, any p layer of any o, her Affiliated League Club for the purpose of securing h:s services at any time w ithout first giving seven da ys notice of their intention to negotiate. This notice must be given to the Secretary of the player's Club in writing and by reg istered post. No player shall negotiate with any other League Club unless he can produce an official perm ission from his prasent Club. Such pet m ,ssion shall not be withheld unless the player has failed to fulfil all his fi nancial obligations to his Club. The player shall have the r;ght to appea l to the Committee if permission is with– h:Jld without just cause. A Transfer Fee of 2/- is payab le to League Secretary at the time of transfer. METHOD OF SCORING POINTS All games shal l be allowed fi , e points for an outright win. Two points to be awarded for a tie. In. a d_rawn game the team scoring the highest number of runs .slrnll be awarded three points and their opponents one point. That no points shall be awarded for any match which cannot be played or completed' due to adverse conditions and percentages sha!I be calculated on the. number of comp leted matches. Per– sona l performances in any uncompleted match sha ll still count towards the League averages, CANCELLATION OF MATCHES No match shall be cancelled through weather before 11 a.m . on the day of the match unless authority is obtained from the _League Secretary. HOURS AND CONDITIONS OF PLAY Punctuality is absolutely essential. All matches shall commence at 2.30 p.m. Clubs wishing to start at 3 p.m. may do so by mutual consent, but must notify the Secretary of the Umpires' Association not less than fourteen clear days before the match in question. Games shall be of 100, 90, 80 or 70 six ball overs' duration to be dec lared by the Captains. before the match. Should fl start not be able to be made before 5 p.m. through the weather then 60 overs may be played. Failing agrement between the Captains the matter sha ll be decided by the Umpires. Should the team batting first be still at the crease when half the number of overs agreed upon is expired they shall declare their innings closed and their opponents shall then bat for an equal number of _overs may be played. Failing agreement between the Captains declaring before the expiration . of their allotted! overs, th 1 batting time of their opporients shall be increased by the num– ber of completed overs unused by the opposition . Should the team batting second be not all out when the time is called the result shall be a draw. In the case of rain, stumps shall not be drawn before 6 p.m. without the consent of both Captains. The tea interval shall be one of twenty minutes. The interval between the inning shall be one of ten minutes' duration as provided by M .C.C. Rules, but under no circumstances shall the thirty minutes be taken at any one time. Evening matches may 8