Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

Barton V Lysaghts Ross Group V Paper Mills Clee Rovers V Scunthorpe Town Boston V British .Rail lmmingham V Redbourne Appleby-Frod 1 ingham V Grims·by Town Aug. 3 Sun. lmmingham V Boston Aug . 9 Sat. Lysaghts V Cleethorpes Lincoln Bucyrus V Barton Ross Group V B·oston lmmingham V Scunthorpe Town Grimsby Town V Clee Rovers Normanby Park V Lincoln Cloytons Appleby-Frodingham V Paper Mills Aug. 10 Sun. Lincoln Claytons V Redbourne Boston V Ba'rton Aug. 16 Sat. Barton V Lincoln Claytons Cleethorpes V Appleby-Frod'ingham Scunthorpe Town V Lincoln Bucyrus Boston V Normanby Park Ross Group V British Roil Paper Mills V Grimsby Town Clee Rovers V Immingham Aug. 23 Sat. Barton V Cl eethorpes lmmingham V Paper Mills Scunthorpe Town V Boston Lincoln Claytons V British Rail Redbourne V App leby-Prodingham Lysaghts V Ross Group Grimsby Town V Normanby Park Clee Rovers V Lincoln Bucyrus Aug. 24 Sun. Redbourne V Lincoln Clayt:>ns Aug. 30 Sat. Barton V Scunthorpe Town Cleethorpes V Boston Paper Mills V Ross Group Appleby-Frodingham V L•ncoln Claytons Clee Rovers V Grimsby Town Lincoln B'Ucyrus V Redbourne British Rail V lmmingham Aug . 31 Sun. Paper Mills V Cleethorpes Sept. 1 Mon. Appleby-Frodingham V Scunthorpe Town Boston V Paper Mills Barton V lmmingham British Rail V Grimsby Town Sept. 6 Sat. Lincoln Bucyrus V Boston Ross Group V lm.m.ingham Cleethorne·s V British Rai l Redbourn V Clef'! Rovers Grimsby Town V Lincoln Claytons N·ormanbv Park V Lysaohts Sept. 7 Sun. B•ritish Rail V Lysaghts Grimsby Town V Boston Sept. 13 Sat. Grimsby Town V Ross Group Paper Mills V Normanby Park Lysa~hts V Immingham Sept. 14 Sun. Lysaghts V Grimsby Town 13